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Biological Scientific Evidence for Creation

Mutations – Deformities and Disease

Genetically and thermodynamically, it is impossible for an amoeba or protozoan to become a human being. Observed changes in living things simply head in the wrong direction to support evolution (macroevolution). So what is the evolutionist to do? In evolutionary theory, the role of generating new information is assigned to positive random mutation—that is, mutations that are beneficial to life.

In public schools and universities, students are being taught that random mutations are responsible for the evolution of species, but this idea is simply not true. What are mutations? Mutations are random errors or defects in the cell’s DNA chemical structure—and such errors may affect whole chromosomes or just one gene. Although evolutionists claim uphill drift was the result of natural selection and random mutations, all scientific evidence is to the contrary. No one has ever observed "uphill" drift or new, genuine increases in genetic information—none are uphill (that is, unequivocally beneficial) in the sense of adding new genetic information to the gene pool.

Genetic mistakes are inherited and the next generation makes a copy from the defective copy, so the defect is passed on. Somewhere down the line another mistake happens, and the mutational defects accumulate. This is known as “increasing mutational load” or “genetic burden,” which is consistent with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Often, the good gene or trait overrides the bad gene so disease or deformity does not occur. However, if a child should inherit the same bad gene from both parents, it would result in two bad gene copies and a potentially serious defect leading to disease or deformity. Genetic drift has always been “downhill.”

Today, we know that exposure to excessive x-rays, ultraviolet light, radioactive substances, or certain chemicals may cause genetic defects. In most cases, scientists do not know what causes mutations—but rather, the increasing mutational load since the dawn of man is the source of our diseases and deformities today. There are thousands of genetic defects and inherited diseases known in humans—and they may vary widely.

For instance, some people are born with unattractive birthmarks and others let their hair grow over their ears to hide one ear that is lower or bigger than the other. But genetic mutations are also the cause of some of the worst diseases known to man. “Genome research has already exposed [mutations] in these instructions [DNA] that lead to heart disease, cancer, and neurological degeneration.”15 Genetic mistakes account for hemochromatosis, sickle-cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, thalassemia, phenylketonuria, hereditary diabetes, most cancers including breast cancer, and over 4,000 other genetic diseases including autism and Down syndrome in children.

Other diseases are the result of mutations that appear within bacteria and viruses. In the beginning all bacteria and viruses were benign and beneficial--some were independent and others had beneficial symbiotic relationships with animals and humans. Bacteria recycle dead animal and plants; help digest food in human and animals; help clean up the environment; recycle nutrients; and help cleanse our water supply. But if bacteria are infected with mutated genes, they will cause disease. Viruses serve genetic functions essential for life, and many exist in host cells without ever causing problems; but if a virus is carrying mutated genes, the virus becomes an infectious agent.

Also, insects have beneficial ecological functions such as pollination, aid the decomposition of plants and animals, soil aeration, food for birds, and production of useful products such as honey, beeswax, and silk, but insects are not immune to genetic breakdown and mutational load. Inhospitable insects may include recluse spiders, leeches, millipedes, mites, bed bugs, fleas, and crab louse. Self-defense mechanisms (bites and stings) in the post-Fall world are the result of natural selection, or adaptation due to necessity (predator-prey relationships). Some insects became parasitic as a result of mutations.

Also, people are under the misconception that this generation is the healthiest and most intelligent that has ever lived. This is simply not the caseWe have accumulated knowledge (technology, medicine, etc.) over many hundreds and thousands of years while, during the same period, our brains and bodies have endured 6,000 years of mutations and degeneration. In reality, the observed trend in nature is toward decay, not improvement. In today's world, people are not as intelligent as people several hundred years ago. Today, man stands on the shoulders of those who have gone before us.

So what caused genetic downward drift in the first place? Genetic burden or mutational load began at the time of Adam and Eve around 6,000 years ago. Adam and Eve were created physically perfect; they did not have accumulated genetic mistakes. All that God made was “very good” (Genesis 1:31), but sin entered the world because Adam and Eve disobeyed God (Genesis 3; Romans 5:12)—and, as a consequence, the entire universe was cursed (Genesis 3:14–19). The consequence of sin was the end of Creation, and the unfettered reign of the First and Second Laws, and the onset of death.

There was no death in the animal kingdom until Adam sinned (Genesis 3:1–3). With the original sin, so entered death and decay as verified in Romans 6:23 (NIV), “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Adam and Eve lived approximately 1,500 years—the degeneration and dying process started slowly because of zero mutational load at the beginning.

Aging and Death Are Implicit in the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Sketch by Roger Gallop

In reality, the observed trend in nature is toward decay, not improvement. Accumulation of genetic mutational load in living organisms over the many centuries destroys the validity of organic evolution (as one would expect in light of the Second Law).