Other Evidence for a Young Earth and Universe
Evidences for a young earth include:
- Rapid magnetic field reversals and decay,
- Less erosion of the continents and less sediments in the ocean,
- Less salt in the sea,
- Carbon-14 found in coal and diamonds,
- Scarcity of human fossils,
- Soft tissue and blood cells found in dinosaur fossils.
These evidences are discussed in the book, evolution – The Greatest Deception in Modern History.
As described in previous sections, other geochronometers Geochronometers are techniques used to date the earth and universe. Although such evidence does not provide an absolute date, the evidence is overwhelming on the side of a young earth. There are over 200 scientific geochronometers52 —that is, time clocks that indicate that the earth, solar system and universe are young.indicative of a worldwide flood include huge limestone formations, enormous coal and oil deposits, rapid formation of massive igneous rock and mountain ranges, evidence of accelerated nuclear decay with abundance of daughter isotopes, tightly bent strata (igneous and sedimentary rock), polystrate fossils, clastic dikes, sedimentary strata with sharp bedding planes, relict erosional landforms, and so on.
- The observed rotation speeds of stars, interstellar gas and dust, and dark matter of the Milky Way (as well as other galaxies) are much too fast for an old universe; this “winding-up dilemma” remains a puzzle to evolutionists.
- Observation of gas and dust remnants from supernovas (violently exploding stars) is consistent with 7,000 years' worth of supernovas.
- Old earth theorists believe that comets should be the same age as the Solar System, about 5 billion years, yet many comets have an age of less than 10,000 years because of their “melting rate.” There is no satisfactory explanation to explain the large number of comets.
- Other evidence includes the shrinking sun (0.1% per century; too hot millions of years ago) and the receding moon (6 inches per year; too close to orbit earth millions of years ago); and the existence of Uranium-236 (half life of 23.44 million years) and Thorium-230 (75,380 years half life) on the moon.
One of the primary differences between creationists and evolutionists is the issue of time—that is, the age of the universe and earth. Evolutionists and secular scientists claim that the universe Universe is everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter and energy. is very old and came into existence via the Big Bang about 10 to 20 billion years ago. They also believe that the earth is approximately 3 to 5 billion years old.
The most obvious explanation for a young earth and universe is superluminal Superluminal speed is faster than the speed of light. speed and decay of the speed of light over the last 6,000 years. One of the most credible solutions is gravitational time dilation Gravitational time dilation is the effect of time passing at different rates in regions of different gravitational pull; the greater the pull (or higher the distortion of spacetime due to gravity), the slower time passes and the lesser the pull (near the outer fringes of the universe), the faster time passes. Albert Einstein originally predicted this effect in his theory of relativity and it has since been confirmed by empirical science (i.e., precise measurements). Thus, billions of years would be available for light to reach the earth while less than an ordinary day is passing on earth. In other words, light from the extremities of the universe has the potential of reaching earth in a relatively short period of time. in which Einstein suggests that time is not a constant—thus light from the extremities of the universe has the potential of reaching earth in a relatively short period of time.
It is interesting to note that the concept of gravitational time dilation is compatible with the mathematics and physics associated with general relativity General relativity theory is the geometric theory of gravitation published by Albert Einstein in 1916. It is the state-of-the art description of gravity in modern physics. It unifies special relativity and Newton's law of universal gravitation, and describes gravity as a property of the geometry of space and time, or spacetime.. Nevertheless, all this remains extremely hypothetical and far beyond the understanding of even the very brightest astrophysicist.
The single greatest problem for the Big Bang theory is the Cause of the universe and the Origin of matter and energy within space—how space, matter, and time suddenly came into existence. The fact is, astrophysicists and other scientists don’t have the faintest idea. They have never been able to explain the origin of the original infinite mass and energy and Why there is a universe in the first place.
God stated in Genesis 1:1-2 (NAS), “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.” Jeremiah10:12 (NIV) states, “But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.” [Bold, emphasis added] The authority of the Bible should never be compromised by mankind’s “scientific” theories and hypotheses.