Physical Scientific Evidence for Creation
Universal Decay and Conservation of Matter/Energy
In your everyday life, have you noticed that everything tends to fall apart and disintegrate over time? Decaying buildings, bridges, roadways, automobiles and clothing—that everything is subject to deterioration and is in constant need of repair. Each year, vast sums of money are spent on maintenance and medical bills to counter the unrelenting effects of decay. Material things and all known processes proceed from organization to disorganization—from cosmos to chaos.
Eventually, all things wear out and return to dust1—material things are not eternal including our human bodies. Do you wonder why we get old and ultimately die? Age, disease and death of all living things are tied directly to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This law states that energy in the universe available for work is decaying or running down to a state of inert uniformity, or heat death.
Entropy is a measure of disorder or decrease in usable energy. It represents energy that is no longer available for doing work. Every energy transformation reduces the amount of usable or free energy of the system and increases the amount of unusable energy, or increases entropy. It is a change to a more disordered state at a molecular level; that is, from “cosmos to chaos.” Entropy is essentially a mathematical formula of the useless energy in a system 3 ----sometimes referred to as the Law of Increasing Entropy, it states that usable energy in the universe available for work is decaying or running down to a state of inert uniformity, or heat death. Heat death (e.g. hot water becomes cool when left on its own) is a possible final state of the universe, in which it has “run down” to a state of no usable or free energy to sustain motion or life. To put it another way, entropy is the tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to move toward inert uniformity.
While quantity of matter and energy remains the same (according to the First Law of Thermodynamics), the quality of matter/energy deteriorates gradually over time. Every energy transformation reduces the amount of usable or free energy and increases the amount of unusable energy. In other words, as usable energy is used for growth and repair, it is “irretrievably lost in the form of unusable energy.”2 The effects are all around, touching everything in the world.
This law states that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transferred from one form to another. This law confirms that creation is no longer occurring but it also implies that creation occured at sometime in the past! In today's world, there is no creation of new matter and energy rising to higher levels of organizaiton and complexity as evolutionists would have you believe.
First Law of Thermodynamics, commonly known as the Law of Conservation of Matter, states that matter and energy (matter is a form of energy) cannot be created or destroyed. Although the amount of matter/energy remains the same, energy can be transferred from one form to another (e.g., solar energy to chemical energy [photosynthesis; plant food for animals] to mechanical energy [walking or running]; or fossil fuel such as coal or oil [stored energy] to electrical energy [heat or thermal energy in transit] to mechanical energy [energy possessed by an object, either potential or kinetic energy, such as a turbine or an air-conditioner]; or hot to cold or high pressure to low pressure, etc.).
This law states that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transferred from one form to another. This law confirms that creation is no longer occurring but it also implies that creation occurred at sometime in the past! In today’s world, there is no creation of new matter and energy rising to higher levels of organization and complexity as evolutionists would have you believe.
Let’s take a step back in time. Because the universe is constantly losing usable energy and never gaining, one can reasonably conclude the universe had a beginning—a moment of least entropy. That is, a time of minimal disorder with a minimal amount of unusable energy—a time when the First Law of Thermodynamics did not apply—a time of creation when systems were rising to higher levels of organized complexity. This is no longer occurring today.
The universe is winding down which would logically mean the universe was created with plenty of usable energy—so the question one might logically ask: “Who wound up the clock?”4 According to Scripture, the moment of least entropy is fully described in Genesis 1. Applied to the whole universe, this is a fundamental contradiction to the “chaos to cosmos, all by itself” nature of evolutionary doctrine.5

Creation, Entropy and Heat Death
First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics Support Creation — Not Evolution
Sketch by Roger Gallop
No experimental evidence disproves these laws of science. Laws of science are facts of nature. Laws are generally accepted to be true and absolute throughout the known universe. They have been subjected to extensive measurements and experimentation and have repeatedly proved to be invariable (e.g., the law of gravity, laws of motion, and laws of thermodynamics). “Scientific laws must be simple, true, universal, and absolute. They represent the cornerstone of scientific discovery, because if a law ever did not apply, then all science based upon that law would collapse.”6 The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics have always proved valid wherever they could be tested. Although evolutionists have attempted to harmonize entropy and evolution, “this is an impossible task, because the one is itself the negation of the other.”7, say physicists G. N. Hatspoulous and E. P. Gyftopoulos: “There is no recorded experiment in the history of science that contradicts the Second Law or its corollaries …”8